Uncle John

Created by Naomi 5 years ago

You could always rely on Uncle John to say it like it was. I remember being about 14 and mum taking me over to the shop to see Uncle John. That morning i had woken up to find the biggest spot ever on my 

face. When we arrived at the shop i told mum i wasn’t getting out as Uncle John would take the Mickey out of me. Mum said ‘don’t be silly, he won’t  even notice it’ . Believing her, i got out of the car and went into the shop only for the first thing to come out of Uncle John’s mouth to be ‘Hi ya Nao, you growing a second head? needless to say i was not impressed. However, as the years went on i took great delight in letting Uncle John know that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, particularly as he was now balding and with an expanding waistline! I credit Uncle John for teaching me not to take life too seriously and also to give as good as i got 😀
